Whether you are purchasing an item online or pre-order from a physical store, a slight delay in delivery is simply unavoidable. Be it from the seller’s side or the courier, there are few minor aspects that can contribute to lateness if accumulated.
As a paying customers, understanding such process can somewhat reduce the need to follow up every now and then. However, if you do send an inquiry, it may help you understand where the delay is coming from.
In a data compiled by ShipTrack, there are common recurring causes of delay, which unfortunately cannot be avoided. What sellers would normally do is to estimate the delay in prior to the delivery.
Visibility in delivery software
The clarity level of delivery software can affect heavily on a customer’s satisfactory level. For instance, being left in a clueless spot not knowing where your parcel is now can be quite torturous. Applications like Lazada provide an extra tracking service that helps to avoid such problem.
Motor vehicle troubles
Even if the systems are set up, the delivery vehicles such as lorry or van may still contribute to the common recurring causes. As this is completely out of customer’s or seller’ hands, this may require the courier services to take action. One of the solution is for them to cooperate with nearby vehicle to carry on the delivery.
Weather conditions
The universe works in a mysterious ways and, sometimes, your parcel got caught up in the middle of it. From a rain storm to landslide, there is so little people can do to avoid such delay.
Seasonal Sale
As many users are becoming savvy online shoppers, they are starting to notice which sale will provide the best deal. For example, our Shopee store constantly participate in the platform’s big sales such as 11.11 or 12.12. When such even takes place, you may have to expect a longer ETA or the possibility of delay as the logistic staffs might face huge loads of parcels.
If you are living in a busy city, it is only fair if you be considerate with the heavy traffic faced during delivery. Although the courier services will pick the best routes to fulfill the ETA, there are still possibility of unavoidable circumstances such as car accident or road blocks.
International shipment
In the situation where your package is being shipped from overseas, the process may grow even more complicated. As soon as your package is picked up from the seller, it has to be transported multiple times to different locations before it is ready to be shipped. However, if your seller is utilizing the service of an experienced forwarder, the possibility of delay can be drastically lessened. This is because the forwarders are well aware of which port has a higher risk of delay and what are the proper documentations required by customs.